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What are crusty eyes?

Crusty eyes occur when discharge from the eye dries on the lids, lashes, or corners of the eye, creating a crusty effect. When the discharge is still wet, it may make the eyes sticky. A small amount of discharge in the corners of the eyes is expected. However, sometimes eye discharge is a symptom of an eye infection or health condition.

A person should seek out medical attention if:

  • their eye produces a large amount of discharge
  • their eye makes green, yellow, or white discharge
  • it isn’t easy to open the eye
  • the eye is red, swollen, or painful
  • they are sensitive to light
  • they have blurry vision

What causes crusty eyes?

The causes of crusty eyes include but are not limited to allergies; dry eyes, stye, blocked tear duct, Blepharitis, and eye infections.

This article explicitly addresses Blepharitis caused by dry eyes and clogged meibomian oil glands called MGD.

Why are eyes crusty in the morning?

When you have Blepharitis, your eyes become inflamed and irritated. The eyelids can become crusty, and you get crusty eyes—swollen and sticky. This common eye disorder is called “Blepharitis“. Several remedies don’t involve drugs or robust solutions to soothe the symptoms and address the problem’s root. If not appropriately treated, Blepharitis can lead to blurred vision and inflamed eye tissue.  

How to get rid of crusty eyes?

TheraLife is the leader in getting rid of chronic Blepharitis that is causing crusty eyes.

TheraLife is a 100% all-natural oral treatment. TheraLife’s comprehensive approach includes treating Blepharitis, dry eyes, and MGD at the same time. Only then will you be able to get rid of crusty eyes completely.

TheraLife also has a complete line of all-natural products intended to help the body heal itself. 

Theralife image 1The TheraLife All-In-One Dry Eye Starter Kit contains: 

  • Four bottles of TheraLife Eye
  • One bottle of purified Fish Oil
  • One bottle of all-natural eyelid cleanser
  • 1 Elastogel warm compress

Clinically proven to work for 80% of first-time users, TheraLife works for chronic dry eyes, blepharitis/meibomian gland dysfunction, watery, dry eyes, and chalazion/styes. The leader in chronic dry eye relief,

TheraLife goes directly to the source of the problem and targets dry eyes from the inside out naturally. Restore comfortable vision with the entire line of TheraLife products.

Success stories from TheraLife

I have had Blepharitis that would come concurrent with a pink eye for quite a few years, but it has always gone away pretty quickly on its own. However, this last time, Blepharitis and dry eye did not leave, and it became pretty disruptive to my life.

My eye doctor gave me eye drops, which only made my eyes feel drier. I felt as though I had no hope for my eyes, and they were going to keep getting worse and worse.

I finally decided to try Theralife, despite being reasonably skeptical, and I’m So glad I did. I’ve been taking it for just over two weeks, and I already feel so much better. This morning I woke up, and my eyes were almost white instead of bright red.

My blurry vision is cleared up, the stickiness is gone from eye, and the stinging has practically left. I’m looking forward to them getting better and better. Thanks so much!”

Cindy, USA

For more success stories, click here

Blepharitis Symptoms

Some common symptoms of Blepharitis include:

  • Burning
  • Tearing
  • Irrigation
  • Red eyes
  • Blurred vision
  • Sticking or missing eyelashesScales, flakes, or hard crusts around the base of the eyelashes
  • Inflammation of the cornea

Seven (7) Natural Remedies

Many conventional treatments contain artificial solutions or prescribed by a doctor. However, several natural remedies can ease the symptoms and help to rid the body of Blepharitis.

  • Warm Compress – A warm compress, such as the one included in the starter kit from TheraLife, soothe inflamed eyelids and remove the build-up of crust on the eyelid and eyelashes. A warm compress can loosen the sticky crust and bring needed blood flow to the eyelids, which will speed the healing process.
  • Black Tea – Enjoy a soothing cup of black tea, then use the warm black tea bag on the infected eye. Black tea contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial compounds and tannins that will inhibit the growth of bacteria. After squeezing the excess water, place the warm teabag on the eyelid for 10 minutes, then discard.
  • Tea Tree Oil – Another natural product for the treatment of mites, called Demodex. Demodex mites cause Blepharitis; tea tree oil can kill them. It can also soothe dry, flaking skin and remove dandruff. Tea tree oil applied directly to the skin can irritate some people. Therefore, dilute the oil with coconut oil and use it with a clean cotton pad.
  • Avoid Makeup and Contact Lenses – While ridding the eyelashes from Blepharitis, try to refrain from wearing eye makeup or contact lenses. These items make proper eyelid hygiene difficult. After the Blepharitis is gone, discard the old contacts and use a new pair. The old ones may still carry bacteria.
  • Dandruff Treatments– The redness and flaking on the scalp from dandruff can cause greasy scaling on the eyebrows, face, and side of the nose. Dandruff can lead to Blepharitis. Coconut oil, essential oils, probiotics, and omega-3 fatty acids can get rid of dandruff. 
  • A homemade itchy scalp shampoo can kill bacteria, reduce inflammation, and moisturize the scalp. Mix raw honey, apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, tea tree oil, and rosemary oil together to create a natural, toxin-free shampoo that can remove dandruff.

  • Anti-Inflammatory Foods – Eating a diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods helps improve blepharitis symptoms. Foods rich in Omega-3s, such as wild salmon, chia seeds, flaxseeds, and walnuts, can reduce the eyelids’ inflammation and boost the immune system to fight bacteria and mites. Foods such as avocado, nuts, coconut oil, and olive oil reduce inflammation and promote healing.

  • Keep Blinking – When engaging in near-vision tasks, such as computer work, blinking is especially important to keep the eyes moist. Blinking allows the meibomian glands in the eyes to secrete oil that protects the eye surface.   


Don’t waste time on prescriptions that can lead to a worsening condition or creams and gels that contain harsh chemicals. Try TheraLife today for a natural solution to your dry, red, and crusty eyes. 

Shop now


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