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Contact Lens Dry Eyes Testimonials

Doctor: The Best Available Treatment

I continue to hear from my patients who are contact lens wearers and LASIK surgery patients that indeed they are finding dry eye relief by taking TheraLife’s remarkable formulation. As I have said before, the best available treatment that I have found for dry eyes is still TheraLife Eye, because it produces sustainable long-term results, has good patient acceptance, and contains all natural ingredients that (best of all) work! Some eye drops, on the other hand, can actually make the dry eye condition worse.

I want to thank you for helping my patients get the eye relief that they can’t find elsewhere and to encourage you to keep up the good job!

[Dr. Burton Worrell, Phone: (408) 267-2020]

*Note: Results may vary.*

Dr. Burton Worrell, Assistant Clinical Professor, UC Berkeley

Has Been The Biggest Help!

I was amazed in one day at the relief I felt from TheraLife. After 10 days of use I went for a checkup, and my doctor was amazed at what a difference there is after such a short time. Like many of the other users, I had tried everything with no relief. Before TheraLife, my symptoms were getting worse and worse, and I could no longer wear my contacts. I decided to try TheraLife, and it has been the biggest help! My eyes are white again, they don’t hurt/stick in the morning, and the itchy burn is GONE. I still use my prescription eye drop, but I don’t need drops to get through the day. I was skeptical, but I was frustrated enough to gave it a chance – and I’m so glad I did.

*Note: Results may vary.*


Very Happy With The Results

I wore contact lenses for years and now my eyes are dry, uncomfortable. Drops did not help. I have been on TheraLife Eye for 2 weeks. I stopped using prescription eye drop Restasis and just started my 3rd bottle of Theralife. I’m very happy with the results. I tried wearing contacts recently, and it feels good again on both eyes. It’s amazing…. the stinging and blurred vision have subsided, but I still have a little bit of redness in my right eye. I hope the condition will continue to get better… Thanks again!

*Note: Results may vary.*

C.L. Tay

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