Natural Remedies For Ocular Rosacea

- Stuck in Vicious Cycle-Dry Eyes, Blepharitis, clogged oil glands (MGD)
- Target All 3 Root Causes From Inside Out.
- Powerful, Natural Anti-Inflammatories
- Deliver Directly To Your Eyes.
- No More Drops
“TheraLife is the absolute only answer to ocular rosacea / chronic dry eye. TheraLife has eased the discomfort and stinging I experienced on a daily basis from ocular rosacea.”
-L Filep- United States
*Results may vary
Call and talk to a doctor if TheraLife is right for you- 1-877-917-1989 US/Canada
Natural Remedies for Ocular Rosacea
The Complete Solution
Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that causes inflammation, redness and blocked pores. It can also affect your eyes. When it does, it’s called ocular rosacea.
Ocular rosacea causes chronic dry eyes, Blepharitis and meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD). TheraLife designs natural remedies for all three components to achieve the maximum result.
Natural Remedies to Treat Ocular Rosacea
TheraLife designs natural remedies for all three components to reduce inflammation and achieve the maximum result.

TheraLife® Ocular Rosacea Stater Kit:
$210 $195 You save $15
Rosacea Eyes Natural Treatment from TheraLife- The Complete Solution.
1) TheraLife Eye Capsules – an all-natural capsule to restore balanced, sustainable tears intra-cellularly. Your tears for dry eye relief.
2) Fish Oil is anti inflammatory and thickens tears.
3) Hot Compress to open clogged meibomian oil glands. Gently massage to get dirt out.
4) Eye Lid Cleanser to clean and stop re-attachment of bacteria and mites from stopping Blepharitis
Why does ocular rosacea recur and flare?
Most people with ocular rosacea has ocular symptoms of endless red eyes, swollen eyelids, recurring Blepharitis that isn’t helped with years of treatment, and clogged meibomian oil glands. The high level of Inflammation from rosacea makes the condition difficult to control. The dry eyes, Blepharitis and MGD caused by ocular rosacea begin to set up as a vicious cycle dominated by inflammation.
What is the TheraLife Strategy to Stop Ocular Rosacea?
The strategy is to break up this cycle and stop the recurrence.
TheraLife’s approach is to relieve all three aspects of the disease simultaneously. We use an oral natural remedies approach to gain control of ocular rosacea internally, and not from the eye’s surface.
Eye drops treat the surface of the eye and is often no longer effective in severe ocular rosacea.
What kind of Blepharitis do you have?
There are two types of Blepharitis: bacterial and mites (Demodex).
Bacterial Blepharitis is treated with antibiotics, or an eyelid cleanser.
Why Avenova to treat bacterial blepharitis.
We highly recommend Avenova eyelid cleanser made of hypochlorous acid. Hypochlorous acid disrupts the biofilm layer onto which the bacteria like to anchor. It effectively stops the re-infection of the bacteria onto the eyelid. Hypochlorous acid eyelid cleansers are gentler to the eyes.
How do you treat Demodex Blepharitis?
Demodex is an infection of eyelids with mites. Demodex can be treated with tea tree oil-based eyelid cleansers. Tea tree oil can be harsh on the skin. More discussion below.
How can you tell which type of Blepharitis you have?
Your eye doctor can take a sample of your eyelash and look under the microscope to tell which type of Blepharitis you have. Microscopic examination identifies mites.
At home, you can examine your lashes. Bacterial Blepharitis tends to form clumps of crusty, sticky materials at the base of your eyelashes. Mites tend to form sticky substances along each lash. For more information, click here.
There is no need to use both types of eyelid cleansers once you establish the type of Blepharitis you have. Too much eyelid cleansing can cause eyelid irritation.
Rosacea Treatment to Reduce Inflammation for Ocular Rosacea.
Rosacea treatment on the face is key to treating ocular rosacea. Facial rosacea and ocular rosacea are closely linked. Try to use natural remedies whenever possible.
- Rosacea treatment to reduce inflammation with skin creams, laser treatments and more.
- Oral antibiotics such as Doxycycline is effective in treating ocular rosacea and MGD.
- IPL – Intense Pulse Light – laser treatment can be used for both MGD and ocular rosacea on the face. IPL is a series of four treatments. Let us know if you need to locate an eye doctor who has this equipment.
- Things to avoid if you have rosacea or ocular rosacea: sun, stress, heat, alcohol, spicy foods, cosmetics and Retin-A (Isotretinoin, or 13-cis-retinoic acid). These products are known to clog meibomian oil glands on your eyelids, also called meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD).
What if you have a sensitive stomach
If you have an overly sensitive stomach, there can be inherent hypersensitivity to many foods, supplements and medications. Please contact us for specific protocols.
What Causes Facial Rosacea?
Hereditary and environmental factors are two facial rosacea causes. People with rosacea flush easily on their faces. Rosacea causes redness and visible small blood vessels on your cheeks and nose. The blood vessels can burst, becoming broken capillaries.
Rosacea can also produce small red, pus-filled bumps. These signs and symptoms may flare up for weeks to months and then go away.
What are the triggers for Rosacea?
Rosacea can also occur after a triggering event such as surgeries or an emotional trauma. Whether you think your facial rosacea is mild, moderate or severe, you have a high level of inflammation throughout the body that needs to be controlled.
Rosacea can affect anyone, but it is most common in middle-age women who have light skin. There is no cure for rosacea, so treatment is vital to reduce the signs and symptoms.
Rosacea treatment to control ocular rosacea
Most importantly, reducing inflammation associated with facial rosacea will help recovery from ocular rosacea.
Who gets ocular rosacea?
Ocular rosacea occurs 50-70% of the time for people with facial rosacea. Ocular rosacea can sometimes be the first sign before facial rosacea.
The degree of severe ocular rosacea does not often match facial rosacea.
Ocular Rosacea Symptoms
Signs and symptoms of ocular osacea are common and include:
- Foreign body sensation
- Burning
- Irritation
- Tearing
- Photophobia – sensitivity to light
- Blurred vision
- Red eyes- ocular rosacea
- Sticky crusty build up on eye lashes
- Swollen red eyelids
Complications of Ocular Rosacea
Ocular Rosacea left untreated can lead to cornea damage requiring cornea transplantation. These changes are as follows:
- Changes of eye lid margin that indicates redness and vascular changes;
- Meibomian gland clogging (MGD).
- Vascularized cornea, and ulcers
Longstanding chronic blepharitis, meibomian gland dysfunction and rosacea can lead to:
- Deformity of the lid margin
- Eye lid scars
- Loss of eye lashes and eye brows
- Inward grown eye lashes (trichiasis)
- Loss of color to your eye lashes and hair (poliosis)
Treatments for Ocular Rosacea
Anti-inflammatory agents, both biological and pharmaceutical, have sometimes been used by people who have rosacea. Topical ophthalmic steroids are effective in preventing recurrent corneal erosions associated with ocular rosacea when used with oral antibiotics.
The Dry Eye Workshop developed 4 different severity levels for ocular rosacea, each of which demands different treatment approaches:
- Severity Level 1. Education and environmental changes, artificial tear substitutes (gels/ ointments) and eye lid therapy.
- Severity Level 2. If level 1 measures fail, then include: anti-inflammatory, punctal plugs, and moisture chamber spectacles.
- Severity Level 3. If level 2 measures fail, then include autologous serum drops, contact lenses and permanent punctal occlusion.
- Severity Level 4. If level 3 measures fail, then include oral anti-inflammatory agents (cyclosporine A, prednisolone, methotrexate and infliximab) and/or surgery eye lid surgery, and cornea transplant.
Why Theralife Eye for Ocular Rosacea?
Ocular rosacea not only causes dry eyes but also Blepharitis and MGD – causing severe ocular rosacea. TheraLife® highly recommends early intervention using the natural remedies Ocular Rosacea Starter Kit, which includes: TheraLife® Eye Enhanced, Omega 3 Fish Oil, hot Compress and Avenova eyelid cleanser. This ocular rosacea relief formula contains potent anti-inflammatory agents and ingredients to invigorate the tear secretion function to restore normalcy.
Why Omega 3 Fish Oil for Ocular Rosacea?
Omega 3 fatty acids from fish have shown to have anti-inflammatory properties. However, because of ocean contamination most fish oils contain PCB, mercury and other impurities that can hurt the liver and kidney in the long run.
TheraLife Omega 3 Fish Oil is molecularly distilled for purity, potency and effectiveness. Nutritional therapy with 4000mg/day reduces ocular surface inflammation. Vegetarians can instead use flaxseed oil.
Why Use Hot Compress for Ocular Rosacea
Ocular rosacea and Blepharitis seem to go hand in hand. Blepharitis, with all the crusty build-up, causes the meibomian oil glands to clog.
Using a hot compress is a natural remedy for ocular rosacea. Warm compresses unclog oil glands by melting the plug, making it easier to dislodge and remove. TheraLife Eye capsules can then restore and revive the oil glands to again produce lubricants.
Why Use Eyelid Cleanser?
Eyelid Cleanser is effective in treating Blepharitis. Ocular rosacea inevitably causes Blepharitis – the inflammation of eyelids. There are two types of Blepharitis: one caused by bacteria infection; the other by mites. Blepharitis caused by mites is called Demodex.
Bacterial Blepharitis can be treated with antibiotics, which render it ineffective. Bacteria make a biofilm layer for attachment. Hypochlorous acid disrupts this bacterial biofilm layer to stop re-attachment. This effectively halt the re-infection, thus preventing recurring blepharitis. Hypochlorous acid eyelid cleansers are more gentle and effective.
Demodex can be treated with tea tree oil-based eyelid cleansers. These cleaners tend to be harsher on the skin and eyelids.
TheraLife’s three-pronged approaches allow us to control ocular rosacea.
Home Remedies for Ocular Rosacea
Home remedies such as warm compresses and lid scrubs can be helpful. In ocular rosacea, eyelid scrubbing plus a steroid is necessary. In most cases, the severity of ocular rosacea needs to be treated with a structured, proven protocol.
Contact TheraLife for help. We are the chosen ocular rosacea natural treatment choice.
Medical References
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Ocular Rosacea Starter Kit
All-In-One Starter Kit:
4 bottles of TheraLife Eye (60 capsules each),
1 bottle of molecularly distilled purified Fish Oil,
1 bottle of eye lid cleanser, 1 gel hot compress. Retail $184.80
Special Discount $170.00. You save $14.85
90 days money back guaranteed.
1. Hot Compress
to open clogged meibomian oil glands.
2. TheraLife Eye Capsules
to revive intra-cellulary to restore balanced,
sustainable tears all day long.
3. Fish Oil
fights inflammation and thickens tears
4. Eye Lid Cleanser
to clean and stop reattachment of bacteria
and mites which causes inflammation.
Call Dr. Yang and see if TheraLife is right for you!
1-877-917-1989 US/Canada