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Dry Eyes After LASIK Remedies

dry eyes after lasik

Dry eyes after LASIK is a common side effect. In fact, almost 95 percent of LASIK patients were satisfied with the correction of their vision. It is not clear why people develop dry eyes after LASIK, but it could be a result of the procedure altering the cornea’s nerves. Fortunately, artificial tears are an effective way to relieve dry eye symptoms and avoid the need for an ointment.

There are several treatments for dry eyes after LASIK. Most of these are simple and safe. You can use artificial tears or warm compresses to prevent irritation. However, if your condition worsens or persists longer than the six-month mark, you should see your surgeon for treatment. You can use artificial tears for at least six months to ease the problem. If these methods do not work, your doctor can prescribe other medications that will treat your condition.

Eye Drops- for Dry Eyes

Drugstore eye drops contain a wide variety of ingredients. They can be made of artificial tears or medicated solutions. However, lubricating eye drops can provide the best relief. Ophthalmologists recommend using a course of eye drops every hour for the first few days after surgery. This course can then be tapered as your vision improves. A high dosage of eye drops may contain preservatives that can cause the eyes to feel irritated and uncomfortable.

Dry eyes after LASIK can be caused by medications you may take. Certain blood pressure medications and antidepressants are associated with an increased risk of dry eye after LASIK. Additionally, dry climates and indoor heating can contribute to the risk of dry eyes after LASIK. Those who are sensitive to certain types of dry air may experience a higher rate of dry eye than those who do not suffer from the condition.

There are several methods for dry eyes after LASIK. There are two types of eyedrops. The first one is called an ointment, and it has been shown to increase the risk of dry eye after LASIK. Silicone punctal plugs are semi-permanent and do not dissolve after four days. This solution is suitable for patients who experience severe LASIK and are at high risk of dry eyes.

What Causes Dry Eyes After Lasik?

A number of factors can contribute to dry eyes after LASIK. For example, the depth plate and flap hinge position of the surgery can be a factor. If you have dry eyes before LASIK, you should take care of your vision until you are able to see clearly again. In case of dry eyes, you should consult your doctor to make sure it is the right choice for you. The dry eye condition will improve with time, and you will be able to see clearly again within a year.

Using over-the-counter eye drops is another way to deal with the symptoms of dry eyes after LASIK. These eye drops will lubricate the eyes and seal in moisture. But be sure to avoid eye drops that contain preservatives, as they may irritate your eyes. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should consult your doctor for proper treatment. A proper eye exam is vital for maintaining clear vision and healthy eyes.

Besides prescription eye drops, LASIK patients should consult with a doctor before taking any medications. The doctor will recommend lubricating drops to reduce any discomfort. These drops will also reduce the risk of developing glaucoma. The dry eye syndrome after LASIK will resolve in about six weeks if the patient is given the proper medication. A Los Angeles LASIK surgeon should provide a prescription for the eye lubricating eye drops for the post-operative period.

When To See A Doctor for Dry Eyes After Lasik?

Patients with dry eyes after Lasik should consult with a physician to determine the underlying cause of their symptoms. Some of the causes of dry eye are related to the lack of corneal sensation, but these symptoms usually disappear after a few weeks. Moreover, there are several ways to alleviate the symptoms of dry eye after Lasik. While dry eye is a temporary side effect, it should not cause you undue anxiety or concern.

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