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Chalazion is a lump on edge of the eyelid.

Stye is also a lump but it is infectious and typically a staphylococcus infections.

Chalazions are chronic infections that can cause less pain on inner edges and affect the Meibomian gland (oil-secreting) glands.

Stye, sometimes called hordeola, are painful infected lesions in the eyelids (eyelash follicles).

Stye and chalazion appear as bumps in the eyelids, however they differ from each other a lot.

Stye occurs because a bacteria or virus is infecting the skin, and chalazion is a blocker of glandular oils.

Stye is generally more painful.

A stye produces a red, swollen, lump on the edge or the inside of the eyelid and usually occurs closer to the surface of the eyelid than chalazion. They both last a few weeks.

Difference between stye and chalazion

Chalazion (Eyelid Cyst)

A chalazion often starts out as a very small, red, tender, swollen area at the edge of the eyelid and is generally not an infection.

A chalazion is a specific type of lump in the upper or lower eyelid caused by blockage and inflammation of an tiny oil gland (meibomian gland) in the eyelid.

The eyelid glands discharge an oily, mucous substance over the eye for lubrication.

The narrow gap through which the gland secretes its liquid can become clogged or the mucus can harden around the opening.

Chalazion that usually develops farther back on the eyelid than a stye.

It is caused by a clogged oil gland.

Rarely does it make the entire eyelid swell.

Do not attempt to squeeze or drain the chalazion as it may require treatment for proper healing.

If your chalazion is left untreated and does not heal on its own, you may need to visit a doctor to determine if your eyelid needs to be drained or steroid injections are the appropriate medical treatment.

Stye ( Hordelum)

An eye stye is a smaller pimple-like bump that appears on the upper or lower eyelid due to a blocked oil gland.

Styes may be more common in adults than children simply because the oil in an adult’s oil glands is thicker than a child’s. That means it’s more prone to blockage.

Hordeolum Stye

A stye is a red painful lump in reference to an external hordeola where the infection is from the eyelash follicle or tear glands at the eyelid margin.

Sometimes it is called a stye chalazion.

It is typically near the eyelash and lives on the outside of the eyelid.

Types of stye

External styes are the most common type and are usually caused by an infection in your eyelash hair follicle.

Internal stye. They form on either of your inner eyelids (facing your eyeball).

Internal styes tend to recur.

An internal infected stye is usually caused by an infection in the inner eyelid gland.

The eyelid glands, known as meibomian glands, normally produce an oily substance that contributes to the natural tears on our eyes.

If these glands become blocked, they could develop into a stye or chalazion.

Antibiotic ointment or drugs may help with staphylococcal infection of a stye.

How long does a stye last?

A stye is a minor, short-term bacterial infection that will last on average one to three days. Once the stye has drained on its own, the healing phase can last a few weeks.

A physician can prescribe steroid injection or drain a stye bump.

Stye causes

Bacterial infections usually cause styes.

Causes include:

  • Blepharitis, an inflammation of the eyelids
  • Conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye
  • Thicker oil or meibum than normal consistency
  • Ocular rosacea, a skin condition adjacent to the eyes
  • Skin conditions such as seborrheic dermatitis , or dandruff, of the eyelashes
  • Styes or a history of styes

Dry Eyes

Dry eye is the root cause of blepharitis and MGD. Therefore treating dry eyes is essential in recovery. See TheraLife solution below.


Inflammation of the eyelid – its fluids, causing swelling and thickening of the gland walls. This in turn causes leakage of oil onto the eyelid itself, resulting in inflammation of both gland and eyelid.

Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD)

A chalazion or an internal hordeola arises from the conjunctival side where the meibomian glands (oil producing gland) are located.

Tell me the meaning of Stye?

A stye that can cause irritating.

This sore lump appears red, pimple-sized and often lies directly under the eyelid.

Styes exist in two types : Internal and external stye.

Internal hordeolum

Because an internal hordeolum rarely ruptures by itself, a doctor may have to surgically drain it.

Internal hordeolum tend to recur.

Although antibiotics applied directly to the eye are sometimes used to treat stye, they usually do not help much, because most styes tend to resolve within a few days even without them.

A stye usually lasts one to two weeks.

Will a stye go away by itself?

A stye will usually go away on its own. But in cases where it doesn’t, you may need to rely on an eye care provider to drain it. They may also prescribe antibiotics to reduce the infection

Risks of Chalazions and Styes

It’s easier for people to develop stiff skin when they rub or touch their eyes too much. increasing the chances of staphylococcus infection in the eyes is more likely.

These situations also increase your risk of getting Chalazion.

Risk factors are:

  • Acne rosacea.
  • Chronic blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids, often from excess bacteria).
  • Seborrhea.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Viral infection.
  • Rarely chalazions may be an indication of an infection or skin cancer.

hordeolum vs chalazion

A hordeolum, also known as a stye, is often more acute and can be secondary to a bacterial infection of the eyelid glands.

Styes are contagious but tend to be smaller, painful red bump, and more tender to the touch than a chalazion.

Symptoms are painless bump or lump in the upper eyelid or, less frequently, in the lower eyelid.

If a stye is present for several weeks, it may develop into a chalazion.

Who is at risk for Chalazia and Styes?

Some people may develop hordeolums and chalazion as a result of genetic factors.

Symptoms of meibomian dermatitis include acne, rosacea edema and dermatitis.

Chalazia can occur in patients with blepharitis of the eyelid margin and form from chronically infected styes (hordeola) that scars.


The bumps caused by chalazia / stripes can look red but have a few differences.

The chalazia can sometimes be asymptomatic without an unpleasant bump, but is often harmless.

Chalazions usually grow slowly and are able to develop for several months. The bumps are usually firmer.


Chalaza or Stye usually require medical attention.

Chalazia and styes are diagnosed using a comprehensive eyelid examination.

The eyelids show the structure in the eyelid as well as the texture around the eyes.

Alternatively, using bright light can give glare on the eyes and make sure that they are chalazia, stye or some other kind.

Those bumps that appear as Chalazion or stain may indicate cancers such as basal cell adenoid.

How are they treated?

Medical professional must determine whether this is truly chalazionic or staphylocytic, not a different skin disease, before any treatment is started.


Diagnosis A chalazion is best diagnosed by an eye doctor , who can advise treatment options

Most chalazions can be treated with a warm compress to the eyelid, promoting circulation of blood around the area and speeding up the healing process.

Sometimes drainage or drug therapy, such as corticosteroid injection (for chalazia) or oral antibiotics (for hordeola)

After an initial examination, the doctor may prescribe an antibiotic drop or an ointment designed to be applied following the warm compress. If the problem persists, outpatient surgery can be performed to remove the eyelid cyst.

Treatment for Stye & Chalazion is the same but none are effective for them unless you treat your dry eyes, the root cause.

Warm Compress

A chalazion (cyst) may resolve itself with little to no treatment, including the use of warm compresses repeatedly.

Apply warm compresses to the eyelid for 10 to 15 minutes, 4 to 6 times a day for several days. The warm compresses may help soften the hardened oil that is blocking the ducts and allow drainage and healing.

Certain medical treatments may be indicated if applying warm compresses is unsuccessful.


However, a chalazion may not be resolved that simply, and those who suffer from a cyst one time are more likely to get a cyst in the future.

If the cyst does not go away by itself, or a patient suffers repeatedly, a doctor may decide to remove the cyst surgically by chalazion excision.

If the chalazion does not go away after several weeks, it may require medical treatment, which may include a small incision to drain or an injection of steroids to reduce the inflammation and swelling.

The surgery normally requires an incision from underneath the eyelid.

Incision will be required and the sebaceous debris can be removed through the small incision.

Recovery time from a stye or chalazion surgery is quick for most people.

Some patients report minor discomfort or pain around the eyelid margin after the procedure, but this is typically remedied easily with medication.

In most cases, an eye patch is worn over the eye for a few hours after the procedure in order to apply pressure to the surgical site to help prevent drainage from the affected area

How to Prevent Chalazion or Styes?

Treat your dry eyes to prevent chalazion or styes.

For recurrent symptoms and symptoms keep hands and contact lenses clean, keep a clean face and make cosmetic changes.

Keep things old and avoid any infections chances, and don’t share cosmetic products.


The best way to prevent a chalazion is with good hygiene.

Wash hands before touching around eyes or removing contact lenses.

Wash face at bedtime to remove dirt and makeup.

Remove eye makeup before going to bed and replace mascara, eyeliner and eye shadow every 3 months.


Once you have challenges/stye you have heightened potential to develop them.

Here are some tips for avoiding challenges.

Do not wear eye makeup or contact lenses while you have a stye or chalazion.

A word from TheraLife

See your provider if: Your eye is swollen shut. Pus or blood is leaking from the bump.

Health articles are all written and reviewed by MDs, PhDs, NPs, or PharmDs and are for informational purposes only.

This information does not constitute and should not be relied on for professional medical advice.

Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment.

Chalazion versus stye may appear similar but they have separate reasons and varying symptoms.

The best natural way to stop chalazion or stye – TheraLife


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