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Often eye irritation, red eyes can be fairly mild and usually treated with prescription medication or a prescription drug. However, if your red eye has a rash of bruising or blemishes, contact an eye doctor immediately.

Blurred Vision Plus Eye Irritation This should always be a sign that you should visit your eye care professional.

Eye irritation is a common complaint. If your eyes are red and irritated, you may wonder if you should see a doctor.

Is it allergies or something else?

Allergies can be irritating to eyes. You can ask your doctor if your eyes look a little red or irritated. Your eyes can tell you what is wrong and how things are.

Eye irritation occurs for various reasons. This report lists several possible causes. It is better to seek out medical doctor’s opinions as soon as possible.


Light Sensitivity

When your eye becomes sensitive to sunlight this may indicate a serious problem.

Some sufferers have dry eyes. Keeping the eyes oiled helps maintain the integrity of ductwork. However, sometimes ducting systems are damaged.

Depending on the situation, you might also experience sensitivity to light. Dry vision may also cause gritty feelings, blurred vision and redness. For dry eyes, an eye doctor can prescribe artificial tears or ointments. It is common practice.

Blurred Vision Plus Eye Irritation

This should indicate the need to see your eye doctor. It happens especially when the eyes are blurred or are irritated. The underlying cause could also be eye disease.

When to see a doctor

Dry eyes can worsen if people don’t take the medication. It may affect eyes over time and cause blindness. Anyone with this condition should consult a doctor to determine treatment options or avoid damage to their eyes.


A variety of bacterial, viral, or fungal infections can cause eye irritation.

Conjunctivitis (Commonly Known as Pink Eye)

Conjunctivitis is a conjunctival inflammation. The cause of a disease can differ in different ways. It’s possible to have viruses and bacteria as contaminants. A physician may be able to explain your symptoms and determine how to treat them. If infection is bacterial then antibiotics can be used. If not, the eye drops will help to reduce swelling and irritation.

Often times a baby will get pink eye and may get infected during pregnancy.

This is a clear membrane that lines the inside of the eyelid and covers the white part of the eye. The most obvious symptom of pink eye is a red or “pink” colored eye. Inflammation causes small blood vessels in the conjunctiva to swell or increase in size. This causes a pink or red tint to the white of the eye. We typically think of pink eye as a type of conjunctivitis that is contagious and caused by a virus.

Fungal eye infections are less common.

Bacterial conjunctivitis

Bacterial conjunctivitis is seldom a contagious disease although people may have the use of topical antibiotic drugs to control their disease.

They might prescribe eye drops to treat it.

Viral Conjunctivitis

Viral eye infections, the most common kind. They tend to improve on their own and don’t need prescription medicine

Viral conjunctivitis is very contagious , but it will usually go away on its own. Placing a cool, wet cloth over closed eyes can help ease the symptoms.

Dry Eye Syndrome

It’s possible that you have dry eye syndrome.

Dry eye includes dry or watery eyes and eye irritation.

It may occur if a tear gland produces no tears at optimum level. Dry eye syndromes are common among the people who suffer from it. Sadly, this happens later with aging. We produce 66% less tears in 65 years compared with 17 year olds. Those suffering from dry eyes can lose the ability to see. Sometimes dry eyes may result in blurry vision.


Conditions such as blepharitis — an inflammation of the eyelid — or dry eye syndrome can also cause eye irritation.

Dry eye disease can get worse if people do not treat it. Over time, it can damage the eye and even impair vision.

A Blocked Tear Duct

Tears help to keep your eyes clean. Sometimes tears are blocked which can cause infections. During aging, this may occur as well as polyp infection or regrowth. Blockage of tears causes eye mucus. Usually the doctor will check on your tears ducts.

Contact Lenses Hygiene

If you wear contact lenses, it’s important to change them as often as prescribed. Allergens as well as bacterial products can stick to soft contact lenses and cause eye irritation.

Eye Allergies

To fight off the irritant, your eyes make a substance called histamine. Histamine dilates and inflames the tiny blood vessels under the eye’s surface.

Many cases of red irritated eye are harmless and respond well to home or over-the-counter treatments. The best thing you can do is find what allergen is causing the red eye and avoid it.

Many eye infections can be caused through allergies. Eye allergies are a common form that causes severe irritation. Often allergies to a certain eye cause uncontrolled irritation and irritability.

The easiest way to treat eye allergic conditions involves avoiding its causes. The triggers of allergies are the substance with which your body reacts too much to produce a reaction which produces symptoms for the person to suffer with. One option is staying inside when pollen counts increase or when pollen levels increase.

An allergist can conduct an allergy test to determine the specific allergens that are causing you discomfort. Learn about treatment for seasonal allergies. Don’t Rub Your Eyes!

Over-the-counter pills or eye drops may help. However, your doctor may recommend prescription medication or allergy shots if your symptoms are persistent or long-lasting.

While Wearing Contact Lenses

It’s common for many contact wearers that they are irritated by contacts lens wear. Generally, the irritations are mild but sometimes serious and may result in eye damage. Some serious illnesses may be a need for emergency treatment. Keep your eyes covered with contacts to check for swelling or sores. You may experience irritated eyesight or other foreign body sensations. You may need eye care right away. Usually such situations can be easily dealt with.

Corneal Ulcer

A corneal ulcer is a sore or erosion at its surface. These sores usually occur with contact lenses and can be recurrent in the eyes especially if worn overnight. Sometimes the corneal ulcer is prone to painful eye pain, light sensitivity and red spots. Occasionally there is irritation and irritability to the skin.

What are the treatments for red eye irritation?

Treatment for eye redness is extensive. Many times the effects are alleviated by resting the face with a warm compress or by lightly cleansing the eyelids with eye drops.

Sometimes, the eye specialist will recommend and prescribe antibiotics and ointments.

Treatment and remedies

Treatment for eye irritation due to the conditions above can consist of home eye care, medicated eye drops or nasal sprays, or steroid treatment. If you have a chronic or recurring condition that’s causing you eye irritation, you should speak to your eye doctor

The human eye can be made wet by applying artificial tears when the eye is dry.

These product are accessible through the drugstore. The patient could even apply cold compresses or give the eyes a massage.

Dry eyes

In certain cases, dry eyes will not fade. They could handle it by taking medication. The medical team can recommend blocking the tear ducts to prevent tear drainage.

One of the all natural alternatives to treating dry eye is TheraLife.  Learn more

A prescription eyedrop is one alternative.

Artificial Tears.

Frequent use of chilled over-the-counter, lubricating eye drops can relieve symptoms. Anti-allergy Eyedrops or Oral Medications.

Allergic conjunctivitis is uncomfortable, but it is not dangerous. People can treat it with medicated eye drops from drugstores, many of which are available OTC.


The most obvious measure to take may be the most difficult: Avoid rubbing your eyes. If you rub your already-irritated eyes.

Remember that in addition to any treatment you receive, the best way you can help prevent worsening a case of itchy eyes is to avoid touching or rubbing them.

The easiest way to treat eye allergic conditions involves avoiding its causes. The triggers of allergies are the substance with which your body reacts too much to produce a reaction which produces symptoms for the person to suffer with. One option is staying inside when pollen counts increase or when pollen levels increase.

For example, if you’re allergic to pet dander you may experience eye allergy symptoms if you visit the home of someone who has a cat or dog . Treatment for eye allergies is centered on symptom relief.

##Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do you treat an irritated eye?
    Depending on what causes the irritated eye.
  2. What can cause irritation in one eye?
    Injury to one eye such as trauma can cause irritation in one eye.
  3. Will irritated eye go away?
    Eye irritation normally will not go away by itself. Highly recommend you seek professional medical advice.


What to know about eye irritation Medically reviewed by Marc Meth, MD, FACAAI, FAAAI — Written by Amanda Barrell on July 13, 2020

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