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Do you have pesky eyelid infections?

This pesky eyelid infection is also called Blepharitis.

Blepharitis, an infection of the eye lids that causes dry eyes, can be treated successfully.  However, in order for full recovery to occur, treatment of both the eyelid infection along with the dry eyes and clogged meibomian glands.  TheraLife has a three-fold approach for completely curing Blepharitis.

Anatomy of the Eye

The anatomy of the eye includes complex structures that allow us to see.  When one of these main structures is not working at all or well, vision can be impaired.

  • Cornea: the clear tissue located in the front of the eye
  • Iris: the colored part of the eye
  • Pupil: a dark circle in the middle of the iris that changes the amount of light allowed into the eye
  • Lens: a small clear disk directly behind the iris and pupil that allows light into the retina
  • Retina: the very back of the eye that senses light

What is blepharitis, eyelid infections?

Blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelids.  The Greek word blepharos means eyelid.  When the eyelids are protecting the cornea from a foreign substance, injury, or infection, the meibomian gland will secrete a liquid full of lubricants to the eyelid.  Blepharitis is an infection that might clog the gland that secretes the liquid to the cornea.

What causes blepharitis eyelid infections?

At the root of every eyelash is an opening where tiny oil glands called meibomian glands are located.  Most cases of blepharitis are caused from an inflammation of the meibomian glands of the eyelids.  Since the opening of each glad is located at the base of the eyelash, an inflammation of this area can cause irritation, and itching of the eyes.  If the meibomian gland becomes clogged and cannot release liquid onto the eye to keep it moist, dry eyes also occur.

Allergic reactions to makeup, hairspray, animals, chemicals, or airborn allergens are some of the culprits that can lead to blepharitis.  Bacterial infections such as Stephylococci or even head lice can cause an inflammation of the eyelids.

What are the symptoms and signs of blepharitis eyelid infections?

Blepharitis usually occurs in both eyes and affects both the upper and lower lids.  Some of the symptoms a person may feel include:

  • Dry eyes
  • Itchy or irritated eyelids
  • Burning sensation
  • A feeling that grit or sand is in the eye
  • A feeling that a foreign-body is in the eye
  • Eyelid crusting
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Swollen eyelids
  • Flaking of skin around the eyelid area
  • Crusty eyelashes upon waking
  • Loss of eyelashes
  • Dandruff like patches on the lashes and eyebrows
  • Bubbly or frothy tears

Sadly, many times a patient is told that the problem is “recurrent conjunctivitis” or “dry eye” due to the common symptoms associated with both.  Eye drops that only lubricate the top layer of the cornea do little to improve blepharitis treatment or cure the condition.

How is blepharitis eyelid infections diagnosed?

After a close examination of the eyelids and a full questioning of the patient of the symptoms experienced, a physician will evaluate the lid margins, oil gland openings, tear quality and quantity, and the base of the eyelashes.  Sometimes, cultures are taken of the discharge and sent to the laboratory for further examination.  If allergies are believed to be the culprit, an allergy evaluation may also be needed.

Is it possible to prevent blepharitis eyelid infections?

With good eyelid hygiene routines in place, blepharitis can be successfully controlled.  Unfortunately, blepharitis prevention is often not considered curable because the factors that create blepharitis can change from time to time.  However, understanding what causes blepharitis and how to avoid agents that may trigger an episode are valuable in prevention.

How can I treat blepharitis eyelid infections?

In cases of chronic blepharitis, the dry eyes and meibomian gland need to be treated for full recovery and future prevention.  TheraLife has a complete solution to your dry eye problems for blepharitis relief.

Good hygiene is the single most important blepharitis home remedy for the natural treatment for blepharitis.  For example, to soften debris and oils that are on the lid, apply a warm wet compress to the eyes for five to ten minutes a couple of times a day.  After the warm compress loosens up the debris, clean the eyelids with a cotton ball or cotton swab with an over-the-counter cleanser for the eyes.

Next, if a patient wears makeup, it is imperative that all eye makeup be removed daily.  If possible, limit or stop the use of makeup on the eyes altogether.  However, this may not be possible for today’s modern woman.  Switching from contact lenses to glasses, even temporarily, may help also.  The key to treatment is to keep the lids clean and free of dirt or other irritants.

Topical or oral treatments to fight the bacteria and mites (Demodex) may also be administered.  Once the offending agent is identified, it becomes much easier to avoid the irritant and treatment becomes more successful.  Adding omega-3 fatty acids, intense light treatment on the glands, and even thermal lid massage have had some success.

Finally, adding TheraLife Eye Enhanced capsules to treat dry eyes is a must! By promoting the production of your own healing tears, natural dry eye relief is possible.  End dry eye pain and discomfort by getting to the root of the problem.  TheraLife can assist you in cutting your dependence on eye drops while restoring your vision. End your eyelid infection pain today with TheraLife!

eyelid infections

Fast relief for eyelid infections with TheraLIfe


  1. Shtein RM. Blepharitis. Accessed Jan. 25, 2020.
  2. Preferred Practice Pattern Guidelines. Blepharitis. American Academy of Ophthalmology. 2018; Accessed Jan. 25, 2020.
  3. AskMayoExpert. Blepharitis. Mayo Clinic; 2019.
  4. Blepharitis. National Eye Institute. Accessed Jan. 25, 2020.
  5. Ferri FF. Blepharitis. In: Ferri’s Clinical Advisor 2020. Elsevier; 2020. Accessed Jan. 25, 2020.
  6. Softing Hataye AL. Mayo Clinic. Jan. 28, 2020.


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