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Demystifying Blepharitis: Essential Facts You Need To Know About This Common Eye Condition

Demystifying Blepharitis: Essential Facts You Need To Know About This Common Eye Condition

Blepharitis is a common eye condition that affects many individuals. It is characterized by inflammation of the eyelids and is generally caused by bacterial infection, skin disorders, or allergies. This article seeks to demystify this condition by providing essential...
A Comprehensive Guide To Blepharitis And Styes: Causes Symptoms And Treatments

A Comprehensive Guide To Blepharitis And Styes: Causes Symptoms And Treatments

Blepharitis and styes can be a source of discomfort, irritation and embarrassment for those who suffer from them. This article provides an overview on these conditions: the causes, symptoms and treatments available to sufferers. It aims to provide readers with...
Amazing Eyelash Mites- Demodex

Amazing Eyelash Mites- Demodex

Eyelash mites occur from two kinds of Demodex mites. It feeds off skin cells. Itchy, red eyes and burning on the lashes may also occur. Eye health is important to keep an eye on the mites. What are eyelash mites? They occur naturally on hair follicles and feed on dead...

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